в90239 иури новосад кдж4сUCтеEQIUKм1маSSTжIGOр_Tджжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 иури новосад кдж4сUCтеEQIUKм1маSSTжIGOр_Tджжф5к м32583 гтмл


With the advent of Christianity, the birth of Jesus Christ began to be celebrated on December 25 (old style) or January 7 (new style). The ancient pagan rite was timed to one of the greatest Christian holidays - Christmas. New religious carols with biblical and Christian images appeared. They have gained the same popularity as the old carols.
Christmas caroling groups honored all family members during the rounds of the yards. They performed majestic songs for the master, mistress, their children, boyfriend, girlfriend. We wished them happiness and health. If in the family

In ancient times, people could not understand how a person takes iron, which is hard, strong, and transforms it into other objects with the help of fire. It was a very sacred image. Therefore, we have surnames associated with the token "blacksmith" most common throughout the world. In Ukrainian - Koval, Kovalenko, Kovalchuk, etc. In Russia - Kuznetsov, in Poland - Kowalski, in Germany - Schmidt, in England - Smith. This is all related to blacksmithing, because it is the most sacred profession on earth. Remember, for example, fairy tales. Where the blacksmith goes to the Snake to reforge the voice, because it is the blacksmith who can reforge.

У нас также дуб – священное дерево – древо Перуна. Так же у старых германских народов это было Дерево Тора. Для этого мы имеем такую ассимиляцию – из разных пластов культуры появляется елка. По легенде, елка, как символ Рождества, появляется якобы в VII веке, когда святой Бонифаций, в Германии, срубил древнего древа язычников – Древо Тора, дуб покатился и завалил все деревья, и только елку не завалил. И тогда Бонифаций сказал, что ель – символ Бога, имеет треугольную форму, и он привязал это к Отцу, Сыну и Святому Духу.