н75682 24 м02859 RU к02189 гтмл
Когда спускалась Заря, начиналось празднование. В это время, во-первых, заносили в дом Дидуха. Под стол, под скатерть, под блюдо – кутью – клали солому, эту соломенную бабу, которая в нынешней трактовке уже символизирует ясли, в которых родился Христос. А первоначально, вероятно, это был символ зерна, богатого урожая. На углы стола ставили зубчики чеснока – обереги от нечистой силы. Начиналось все именно с Дидуха. Никто не садился за стол, пока отец не вносил в дом этого Дидуха.
there were children who did not speak for a long time, so they were given a drink of water from a ritual bell. If there was a girl in the house, she gave each caroler apples and nuts:
Mythology never disappears. As long as the universe exists, as long as we believe in miracles, we will develop this mythological idea. It is completely transformed, completely changed. But some elements are preserved. And they are produced, appear in a new guise. Nothing disappears, it is simply modified. From ancient totemic beliefs, we moved to Christian beliefs, later came the Soviet myth, which changed to a modern vision. In fact, we want to believe in a miracle, to believe in a fairy tale, we want to see those gifts, for the fact that we were polite boys and girls, then St. Nicholas will bring us small gifts, or cutlets, if we were rude.