в90239 векгерныи урджант кдж4сUCзлзGгKI5Y1LIеDJI53кWжQжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 векгерныи урджант кдж4сUCзлзGгKI5Y1LIеDJI53кWжQжф5к м32583 гтмл


A week after Kolyada (Christmas) on December 31 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church) or January 13 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church), the Generous Evening was celebrated, timed to meet the New Year.
The main event of the Generous Evening and the New Year in Ukraine was giving, which was accompanied by a mandatory round of houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. Christmas carols begin to be sung exactly at midnight before the New Year. They should not be mixed with carol singing. At a time when carols are always and necessarily sung by a choir, then shdervkas can be performed solo.

"Колядки" пеклись в Васильев вечер, адресуя хозяевам дома, а также отдельно хозяйке и ее дочери, или отцу семейства и сыну и т.д. Наиболее древние, языческие песни колядок связаны с темой магического роста природы и живности, поздние вобрали в себя и религиозные сюжеты:
Коляда, коляда!
А бывает коляда
В канун Рождества,
Коляда пришла,
Рождество принесло!

Sprinkling with grain, after the performance of generosity, is always done with a saying:
"Fortunately, for health! births God, rye, wheat and all the arable land! And for us it's a firecracker."
According to the content, nature and purpose of the charity, it is a panegyric-glorious New Year's greeting. They are, as it were, an addendum to Christmas carols and are an integral part of Christmas carols.
Traditional Christmas and New Year rites, carols and Christmas gifts are a real treasury of our people, which you need to get to know deeply.