в90239 однажди в россыы кдж4сUCJгвмNFBлкSл3SгксLкюидгрQжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 однажди в россыы кдж4сUCJгвмNFBлкSл3SгксLкюидгрQжф5к м32583 гтмл


Как только на небе восходила Заря, колядники ходили от дома к дому, чтобы известить людей о рождении нового Солнца, и изображения этого солнца носили с собой ("рождественская звезда"). Эта традиция сохранилась и по сей день. Заходили во двор, будили хозяина и пели его семье величественных песен о солнце, луне, звездах. Эти песни и стали называть колядками или колядками.

How beautifully our carols combine the remnants of this still pagan time and the majestic light of Christ's faith on our purely folk, national soil! Carols are, of course, a purely folk work, both in terms of content and singing, but along with the development of folk life, various influences were exerted on the content of carols, and most of all, of course, from the side of spiritual science. During the development of our Ukrainian fraternities and fraternal schools, the bursakas of these schools and their teachers, who at that time made a living by singing cantos and carols on holidays, contributed a lot of school science to carols...

All this is sung about in carols, which were known long before the beginning of Christian times in Ukraine, it is also found in ordinary rituals, such as: twelve wormwood, twelve Christmas Eve dishes, calling for a dinner of frost, a wolf, a black storm and evil winds, grandfather on penance, hay on the table. All these movements, actions and words, which at first glance have no meaning in a person's life, blow on the heart of each of us with the charm of the native element and are a living balm for the soul that fills it with powerful strength.