в90239 лиана кдж4сUCаж7AVYY8кNжммNYWXдж3YGджжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 лиана кдж4сUCаж7AVYY8кNжммNYWXдж3YGджжф5к м32583 гтмл


Наши далекие предки пытались защитить новорожденного. Они выполняли разные магические действия, ставшие основой народного праздника Коляды. До сих пор колядники ходят с солнцесветной "с" видзой", что символизирует небесное светило. Как только на небе восходила заря, колядники заходили во двор, будили хозяина и пели его семье величественных песен о солнце, луне, звезде. Эти величественные песни в честь рождения нового Солнца стали называть колядами или колядками.

I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year,
With cattle, with a stomach,
With wheat, with oats! Carolers were invited into the house, seated at an elegant table and treated to treats. The grains scattered by the carolers were all gathered together, stored, and in the spring they were the first to be thrown into the ground, hoping that they would provide a good harvest.

With the advent of Christianity, the birth of Jesus Christ began to be celebrated on December 25 (old style) or January 7 (new style). The ancient pagan rite was timed to one of the greatest Christian holidays - Christmas. New religious carols with biblical and Christian images appeared. They have gained the same popularity as the old carols.
Christmas caroling groups honored all family members during the rounds of the yards. They performed majestic songs for the master, mistress, their children, boyfriend, girlfriend. We wished them happiness and health. If in the family