в90239 фыксыкы кдж4сUCс_ув3QиUIQжBоL1Iж5BдлQжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 фыксыкы кдж4сUCс_ув3QиUIQжBоL1Iж5BдлQжф5к м32583 гтмл


Через неделю после Коляды 31 декабря (13 января) отмечали Щедрый вечер (день христианской святой преподобной Мелании). Этот день называли Меланки. По традиции празднование сопровождалось обходом домов с пожеланием людям счастья, здоровья и благополучия в Новом Году. Щедровали тоже театрализованными группами: "Меланка" и "Василий" и "Ряженые". Если сравнить колядки и щедривки ("Щедрик, щедрик, щедривочка, прилетела ласточочка"), то в щедривках вспоминают ласточок, весну, сеяние ржи. Это свидетельствует о том, что древние славяне отмечали начало Нового Года весной.

Why New Year and Christmas are associated with the Sun If we talk about traditional Christmas, we need to look back to ancient pre-Christian times, when it was believed that the world was born at this time. That is, the world dies in one form, is born in another - the New Year is born. At Christmas, since ancient times, it was believed that such religious holidays were connected with the cycles of the solstice. Christmas, Christmas is the winter solstice. It was believed that the border between the worlds narrows to such an extent that it becomes so thin that a transition from one world to another is possible.

How beautifully our carols combine the remnants of this still pagan time and the majestic light of Christ's faith on our purely folk, national soil! Carols are, of course, a purely folk work, both in terms of content and singing, but along with the development of folk life, various influences were exerted on the content of carols, and most of all, of course, from the side of spiritual science. During the development of our Ukrainian fraternities and fraternal schools, the bursakas of these schools and their teachers, who at that time made a living by singing cantos and carols on holidays, contributed a lot of school science to carols...