в90239 добриак кдж4сUCIQ1PиEVзV2ск4CXHKH2кSджжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 добриак кдж4сUCIQ1PиEVзV2ск4CXHKH2кSджжф5к м32583 гтмл


Через неделю после Коляды (Рождества) 31 декабря (по ст.ст.) или 13 января (по н.ст.), отмечали Щедрый вечер, приуроченный к встрече Нового года.
Основным событием Щедрого вечера и Нового года в Украине было щедрование, сопровождавшееся обязательным обходом домов с пожеланием людям счастья, здоровья и благополучия в Новом году. Щедровок начинают петь ровно в полночь перед Новым годом. Их не нужно смешивать с пением колядок. В то время когда колядки всегда и обязательно поют хором, то щедривки могут исполняться и сольно.

In twelve holy nights, the golden-faced God was born - the young Sun - Dazhbog, the silvery Yasn-Moon and the holy Goddess-Mother of Water Dana, which means that everything lives on earth. "The God Kolyada comes into the world with light and good, defeating evil and darkness. In the Christmas of the sun, Kolyada is a festival of the light of Dazhbog, a great festival of Life, a festival of Ancestors, a festival of Happiness and Freedom. Everything on earth: man, all plant and animal life they honor the god Kolyada, the guardian of the young Bozhich-Sun, meeting the birth of the light of Dazhbozhie with the Holy Supper, Holy Thoughts and the Holy Unity of Souls.

Do not confuse carols (folk songs) with carols (songs of religious (church) content) - dedicated to one of the most important Christian holidays - Christmas. Carols appeared, in which archaic motifs and images were intertwined with biblical ones (birth, life, torment, death and resurrection of Christ). A special place is occupied by church carols of authorial, book origin (Silent Night, Holy Night; New joy has become; and others). According to H. Luzhnytskyi, "with carols, the history of Ukrainian theater enters the phase of the so-called magic of the word. The spirit of primitive man's imagination was mythical and magical, and carols in their genesis are primitive magical formulas, where the conjurer is an actor, because during spell, he plays the role of the future self, or higher power."