в90239 добриак кдж4сUCIQ1PиEVзV2ск4CXHKH2кSджжф5к м32583 гтмл

в90239 добриак кдж4сUCIQ1PиEVзV2ск4CXHKH2кSджжф5к м32583 гтмл


Why New Year and Christmas are associated with the Sun If we talk about traditional Christmas, we need to look back to ancient pre-Christian times, when it was believed that the world was born at this time. That is, the world dies in one form, is born in another - the New Year is born. At Christmas, since ancient times, it was believed that such religious holidays were connected with the cycles of the solstice. Christmas, Christmas is the winter solstice. It was believed that the border between the worlds narrows to such an extent that it becomes so thin that a transition from one world to another is possible.

По другой легенде, елку ввел в употребление Мартин Лютер, который ходил по лесу на Рождество и увидел как над елкой сияет звезда, которая показалась ему совершенно тождественной той Вифлеемской Заре, и он поставил ту ель у себя дома и украсил ее звездой. Таким образом, якобы елка пришла в Западную Европу. И позже, в XIX веке, ее позаимствовала себе Франция, впоследствии переняла Англия, она стояла даже в Виндзорском Дворце, а впоследствии и переехавшие в Америку немцы-переселенцы принесли и елку. Первоначально, когда появилась елка, ее украшали фруктами, яблоками, например, которые символизируют тот же Первородный Грех Адама и Евы.

As a rudiment of ancient magical rituals, carols and bounties called on the gods (pagan "Oy Dazhdbozhe!", transformed into "Oh God!") to give the master (or mistress, servant, girl) good health and economic prosperity (which in ancient times was the obverse and reverse of the same medal), associated with a good harvest, favorable conditions for cultivating the land, profits for the lord (especially livestock). By means of artistic similes, epithets, metaphors, the owner, members of his family are glorified and praised, to whom they wish good fortune, health, love, good marriages, etc.