валдыра проект м ы в гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

валдыра проект м ы в гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


A week after Christmas Eve, on December 31 (January 13), the Generous Evening was celebrated (the day of the Christian saint Reverend Melania). This day was also called Melanka. According to tradition, the celebration was accompanied by going round the houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. They were also generous with theatrical groups: "Melanka" and "Vasyl" and "Ryazheni". If you compare Christmas carols and Christmas carols ("Chedryk, Chedryk, Chedryvochka, a swallow has flown in"), then the swallows, spring, sowing of rye are mentioned in the carols. This indicates that the ancient Slavs celebrated the beginning of the New Year in the spring.

"Carols" were baked on Vasiliev's Eve, addressed to the owners of the house, as well as separately to the housewife and her daughter, or the father of the family and his son, etc. The most ancient, pagan carol songs are connected with the theme of the magical growth of nature and living things, the later ones also absorbed religious themes:
Christmas, Christmas!
And there is Christmas
Christmas Eve,
Christmas has come
Christmas brought!

У нас также дуб – священное дерево – древо Перуна. Так же у старых германских народов это было Дерево Тора. Для этого мы имеем такую ассимиляцию – из разных пластов культуры появляется елка. По легенде, елка, как символ Рождества, появляется якобы в VII веке, когда святой Бонифаций, в Германии, срубил древнего древа язычников – Древо Тора, дуб покатился и завалил все деревья, и только елку не завалил. И тогда Бонифаций сказал, что ель – символ Бога, имеет треугольную форму, и он привязал это к Отцу, Сыну и Святому Духу.