тгреадс згырджаж 2 633 мемберс рандом 4009

тгреадс згырджаж 2 633 мемберс рандом 4009


We also have an oak - a sacred tree - the Perun tree. In the same way, among the ancient Germanic peoples, it was the Tree of Thor. And therefore, we have such assimilation - a Christmas tree appears from different layers of culture. According to legend, the Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas appears allegedly in the 7th century, when Saint Boniface, in Germany, cut down an ancient tree of the pagans - the Tree of Thor, that oak rolled down and felled all the trees, and only the Christmas tree was not felled. And then Boniface said that the fir tree is a symbol of God, it has a triangular shape, and he tied it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We also have an oak - a sacred tree - the Perun tree. In the same way, among the ancient Germanic peoples, it was the Tree of Thor. And therefore, we have such assimilation - a Christmas tree appears from different layers of culture. According to legend, the Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas appears allegedly in the 7th century, when Saint Boniface, in Germany, cut down an ancient tree of the pagans - the Tree of Thor, that oak rolled down and felled all the trees, and only the Christmas tree was not felled. And then Boniface said that the fir tree is a symbol of God, it has a triangular shape, and he tied it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Одна фигура могла представлять собой погибель. Ей обмазывали мукой лицо, вставляли зубы из репы, обертывали в простыню, она была молчаливой фигурой. И как раз эту фигуру никто не хотел играть. И ее выбирали путем жеребьевки. Она была абсолютно статическая – ее заводили, клали на скамейке и она не должна была что-то делать. Кроме того, были категории "другие" по отношению к сакральному миру. К примеру, кузнец. Кузнец издавна считался очень сакральной профессией.