тгреадс сва 3 1025 мемберс кмв 8534

тгреадс сва 3 1025 мемберс кмв 8534


С появлением христианства, 25 декабря (по старому стилю) или 7 января (по новому стилю) начали праздновать рождение Иисуса Христа. Старинный языческий обряд был приурочен к одному из величайших христианских праздников – Рождества Христова. Возникли новые религиозные колядки с библейско-христианскими образами. Они завоевали такую же популярность, как и старинные колядки.

"Shedryvky" are ritual songs performed on a generous evening, the evening on the eve of the new year. They usually began with the words of greeting: "Generous evening, good evening." In the distant past, this type of song differed from other holiday songs, today it differs in that it is sung in Ukraine and in Ukrainian-speaking villages of the region. At the time when we now celebrate Christmas, once upon a time, even before Christianity, in Ukraine there was a holiday of the winter solstice. It was the time of divination for the coming year; and that is why we still have a whole series of pre-Christian elements in Christmas customs, whose purpose was to call for a good harvest in the following year, wealth and prosperity in the house of the master, lucky catches for the hunter, a wedding for a girl and a happy journey for a young man - a prince's wife or the prince himself. All the natural forces of nature are appeased and called upon not to harm people and livestock.

In the evening, teenage girls, alone or in a group, went around the houses of neighbors and relatives in order to donate. It was a separate New Year's event in which only girls participated:
I'm a little girl
I have a little boyish dress.
I don't know either "az" or "beech",
Therefore, give something in your hands!
They came to your house to be generous.
Generous evening, good evening!
The master lives here - the owner of wealth.
Generous evening, good evening!
And his wealth is golden hands.
Generous evening, good evening!
And his joy is good children.
Good evening, good evening.