тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 мемберс лыкгоктс 2775 тропгыес

тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 мемберс лыкгоктс 2775 тропгыес


We also have an oak - a sacred tree - the Perun tree. In the same way, among the ancient Germanic peoples, it was the Tree of Thor. And therefore, we have such assimilation - a Christmas tree appears from different layers of culture. According to legend, the Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas appears allegedly in the 7th century, when Saint Boniface, in Germany, cut down an ancient tree of the pagans - the Tree of Thor, that oak rolled down and felled all the trees, and only the Christmas tree was not felled. And then Boniface said that the fir tree is a symbol of God, it has a triangular shape, and he tied it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The carolers must have had the sun in their hands. They made it from old rims and decorated it with colorful ribbons. In Ukraine and Belarus, there were also such customs: shderivka - a kind of carols. They were also song requests for a fruitful, bountiful year.
You people, rejoice!
Everyone triumph today!
Today is Christmas!

В двенадцать священных ночей родился золотоликий Божич - молодое Солнце - Дажбог, серебряный Ясн-Луна и святая Богиня-Мать воды Дана, а значит и все живущее на земле. "Бог-Коляда приходит в мир со светом и добром, победив зло и тьму. В Рождестве солнца Коляды - праздник света Дажбога, великий праздник Жизни, праздник Предков, праздник Счастья и Воли. Все сущее на земле: человек, весь растительный и животный мир почитают бога Коляду, опекуна молодого Божича-Солнца, встречая рождение света Дажбожьего Святым ужином, Святыми мыслями и Святым единством душ.