тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 ындекс гтмл

тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 ындекс гтмл


Mythology never disappears. As long as the universe exists, as long as we believe in miracles, we will develop this mythological idea. It is completely transformed, completely changed. But some elements are preserved. And they are produced, appear in a new guise. Nothing disappears, it is simply modified. From ancient totemic beliefs, we moved to Christian beliefs, later came the Soviet myth, which changed to a modern vision. In fact, we want to believe in a miracle, to believe in a fairy tale, we want to see those gifts, for the fact that we were polite boys and girls, then St. Nicholas will bring us small gifts, or cutlets, if we were rude.

Через неделю после Коляды (Рождества) 31 декабря (по ст.ст.) или 13 января (по н.ст.), отмечали Щедрый вечер, приуроченный к встрече Нового года.
Основным событием Щедрого вечера и Нового года в Украине было щедрование, сопровождавшееся обязательным обходом домов с пожеланием людям счастья, здоровья и благополучия в Новом году. Щедровок начинают петь ровно в полночь перед Новым годом. Их не нужно смешивать с пением колядок. В то время когда колядки всегда и обязательно поют хором, то щедривки могут исполняться и сольно.

In the evening, teenage girls, alone or in a group, went around the houses of neighbors and relatives in order to donate. It was a separate New Year's event in which only girls participated:
I'm a little girl
I have a little boyish dress.
I don't know either "az" or "beech",
Therefore, give something in your hands!
They came to your house to be generous.
Generous evening, good evening!
The master lives here - the owner of wealth.
Generous evening, good evening!
And his wealth is golden hands.
Generous evening, good evening!
And his joy is good children.
Good evening, good evening.