тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 сеаркг
В Украине и в Белоруссии тоже были такие обычаи: щедривки - разновидность колядок. Они также представляли собой песенные просьбы об урожайном, щедром году.
Why carolers dress up as animals, foreigners and otherworldly creatures According to the idea of ancient people, the other world is, as it were, this world turned upside down. And accordingly, the representatives of that world are the same as us, but a little different. And accordingly, the carolers changed their clothes according to categories - "alien", otherworldly. It could not be a person, but an animal, that's how those animal images appeared in groups of carolers. It could be "strangers" by category - foreigner, that's how we have, for example, "German". These may not be people, but in general – demonic beings, so the carolers wrapped their hands with straw, stood on stilts or, conversely, squatted down, spoke in very deep, low voices, or, on the contrary, very squeaky.
In the evening, teenage girls, alone or in a group, went around the houses of neighbors and relatives in order to donate. It was a separate New Year's event in which only girls participated: