тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 мемберс венара 112 тропгыес

тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 мемберс венара 112 тропгыес


The Christmas tree was not acceptable for Ukraine for quite a long time. Since totemic times, it has been believed that certain animals or plants, trees have a genetic connection with the genus. That is why they worshiped animals and trees. And the Christmas tree and the pine tree, as evergreen trees, symbolized immortality, and that is why it is customary in our country to plant a pine tree on the grave, because it seems to have a connection with the afterlife on the one hand, and on the other - resurrection - a symbol of immortality, a symbol of eternal life. "Podnyak", as a rule, was a fruit tree. And the Scandinavian peoples had oak.

Одна фигура могла представлять собой погибель. Ей обмазывали мукой лицо, вставляли зубы из репы, обертывали в простыню, она была молчаливой фигурой. И как раз эту фигуру никто не хотел играть. И ее выбирали путем жеребьевки. Она была абсолютно статическая – ее заводили, клали на скамейке и она не должна была что-то делать. Кроме того, были категории "другие" по отношению к сакральному миру. К примеру, кузнец. Кузнец издавна считался очень сакральной профессией.

Themes, melodies, the form of carols and carols, and caroling customs show signs of deep antiquity. It is the walking of a group of carolers with a certain role distribution, and sometimes with instrumental accompaniment, that suggests a similarity with groups of merry buffoons of the princely era. The themes of carols and charity songs are agriculture and the family - its life and well-being (other themes occupy a relatively small place: military-hunting, fantasy-fairy tale, love, biblical motifs). All these songs of majestic content are sung specifically to the master, the mistress, the servant, the girl.