тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 мемберс г2о 409 тропгыес

тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 мемберс г2о 409 тропгыес


A week after Christmas Eve, on December 31 (January 13), the Generous Evening was celebrated (the day of the Christian saint Reverend Melania). This day was also called Melanka. According to tradition, the celebration was accompanied by going round the houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. They were also generous with theatrical groups: "Melanka" and "Vasyl" and "Ryazheni". If you compare Christmas carols and Christmas carols ("Chedryk, Chedryk, Chedryvochka, a swallow has flown in"), then the swallows, spring, sowing of rye are mentioned in the carols. This indicates that the ancient Slavs celebrated the beginning of the New Year in the spring.

In addition, in pre-Christian times, such events required a certain sacrifice. In ancient times, when human sacrifices had already been abandoned, it was necessary to sacrifice what was valuable to God. And cattle were valuable at that time. And thus we proceed to the rite of "driving the goat". That is, cattle were sacrificed, which was then replaced by baking cookies in the form of Christmas cattle. Why in ancient times carolers were associated with the afterlife At this time, the border between the worlds becomes so thin that there is a transition between them. It is also connected with honoring the dead. On the one hand, the dead were treated with tremendous respect and honor, as if they welcomed this transition. On the other hand, it is a little scary. We had to somehow protect ourselves from them.

На самом же деле примитивными украинцы тысячу лет назад или во времена Трипольской культуры явно не были, возможно, наоборот, именно календарно-обрядовое творчество и было тем источником, откуда наши Предки черпали вдохновение к высокомастерскому гончарству, кузнечному делу, написанию писанок и тому подобное. Колядки появились еще в календаре (который тогда назывался Колом) в языческое время и связаны с днем зимнего солнцестояния, которое называли праздником Коляды, или коротышки. По одной из легенд, в этот день Солнце съедает змей Коротышка. Всесильная богиня Коляда в днепровских водах рожала новое солнце – маленького Божича. Язычники пытались оградить новорожденного. Они прогоняли Коротана, который стремился съесть новое Солнце, а затем ходили от дома в дом, чтобы известить людей о рождении нового Солнца.