тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 гелп медалс

тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 гелп медалс


"At a time when there was neither land nor sky, only one blue sea - in the middle of this sea there were two oaks, and two doves sat on the oaks; the doves went down to the bottom of the sea, got sand and stone, from which the earth was created, the sky and heavenly bodies". The mythological plot reflected in this ancient carol existed even in the days of the Scythians: on the bronze relief from the Scythian mound there is a tree with birds, and the sun and the moon. Similar subjects can be found on Ukrainian embroidered towels up to the beginning of the 20th century. Investigate

Поют эти песни, переходя в колядной группе от дома к дому и став под окном или у двери. После пения и поздравлений после него (как правило, в стихотворной форме – так называемая "поколядь") колядники получают какое-то вознаграждение (также остаток древних магических обрядовых действий). Отдельные категории щедривок составляют песни о Маланке и новогоднее представление-игра "Коза". Кое-где в Западной Украине сохранились и так называемые рынзивки, выполняемые во время весеннего равноденствия.

When a Christmas tree appeared in homes A long time ago, many peoples of the world worshiped trees. Especially among the southern Slavs, Christmas was necessarily accompanied by a "podniak" - a log, in which the owner solemnly, with all the sacrifices - asked for forgiveness for having to cut down this tree, sprinkled this stump with grain, smeared it with dough, and then brought it to the house, where he was ceremoniously burned. These moments probably initiated the later use of the Christmas tree. So, gradually we come to today's ritual - the use of a Christmas tree.