тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 мыск ланджуадже?ланджуадже_ыд=1

тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 мыск ланджуадже?ланджуадже_ыд=1


Почему Новый Год и Рождество связаны с Солнцем Если говорить о Рождестве традиционном, нужно заглянуть в древние дохристианские времена, когда верили, что в это время рождается мир. То есть умирает мир в одной ипостаси, рождается в другой – рождается Новый Год. На Рождество с давних времен верили, что такие церковно-обрядовые праздники были связаны с циклами солнцестояния. Рождество, Коляда это – зимнее солнцестояние. Верили в то, что граница между мирами насколько сужается, становится настолько тонкой, что возможен переход из одного мира в другой мир.

One figure could represent death. Her face was smeared with flour, teeth were inserted from turnips, she was wrapped in a sheet, she was a silent figure. And no one wanted to play just this figure. And she was chosen by lot. She was completely static - she was started, put on the bench and she did not have to do anything. In addition, there were "other" categories in relation to the sacred world. For example, a blacksmith. Blacksmithing has long been considered a very sacred profession.

Carols and Christmas carols were extremely popular ritual songs among the people. Carols are sung from December 25 to January 7. They were timed to Christmas. And donations - before the New Year (according to the old style - January 14).
Christmas carols are the oldest folklore genre. They preserve the memory of the old tribal era and are associated with the winter turning of the sun into summer, which was called the holiday of Kolyada. It was celebrated on December 25 (old style), when the night was the longest. Nature seemed to freeze at this time. It was believed that the sun was eaten by the evil Korochun - a dark Slavic deity. The goddess of the sky Kolyada was giving birth to a new sun, a little Bozhich.