тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 гелп медалс

тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 гелп медалс


In ancient times, people could not understand how a person takes iron, which is hard, strong, and transforms it into other objects with the help of fire. It was a very sacred image. Therefore, we have surnames associated with the token "blacksmith" most common throughout the world. In Ukrainian - Koval, Kovalenko, Kovalchuk, etc. In Russia - Kuznetsov, in Poland - Kowalski, in Germany - Schmidt, in England - Smith. This is all related to blacksmithing, because it is the most sacred profession on earth. Remember, for example, fairy tales. Where the blacksmith goes to the Snake to reforge the voice, because it is the blacksmith who can reforge.

A week after Christmas Eve, on December 31 (January 13), the Generous Evening was celebrated (the day of the Christian saint Reverend Melania). This day was also called Melanka. According to tradition, the celebration was accompanied by going round the houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. They were also generous with theatrical groups: "Melanka" and "Vasyl" and "Ryazheni". If you compare Christmas carols and Christmas carols ("Chedryk, Chedryk, Chedryvochka, a swallow has flown in"), then the swallows, spring, sowing of rye are mentioned in the carols. This indicates that the ancient Slavs celebrated the beginning of the New Year in the spring.

В Украине и в Белоруссии тоже были такие обычаи: щедривки - разновидность колядок. Они также представляли собой песенные просьбы об урожайном, щедром году.
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Дня Христова Рождество!