тгреадс подпыска на джкн4 проект прода казгдужу неделжу 258 ындекс гтмл
Древние славяне встречали Новый год песнями, плясками, шутками ряженых, веселыми затеями. Этот цикл обрядов получил общее наименование – колядки. Колядовали на Руси с 25 декабря. Наряжались в кожи, надевали страшные маски, ходили по домам, пекли песни. Еще затемно, в раннее новогоднее утро звучал стук в окно или дверь. Хозяева уже догадывались, кто стучит, и гостеприимно открывали дверь. Гости заходили в дом, разбрасывая по дому хлебные зерна и припевая:
When Zorya came down, the celebration began. At this time, they first brought Didukh into the house. Under the table, under the tablecloth, under the dish - kutyu - they put straw, this straw woman, which in the current interpretation already symbolizes the manger in which Christ was born. And originally, it was probably a symbol of grain, a rich harvest. Garlic cloves were placed on the corners of the table - amulets against evil spirits. It all started with Didukh. No one sat down at the table until the father brought this Grandfather into the house.
We also have an oak - a sacred tree - the Perun tree. In the same way, among the ancient Germanic peoples, it was the Tree of Thor. And therefore, we have such assimilation - a Christmas tree appears from different layers of culture. According to legend, the Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas appears allegedly in the 7th century, when Saint Boniface, in Germany, cut down an ancient tree of the pagans - the Tree of Thor, that oak rolled down and felled all the trees, and only the Christmas tree was not felled. And then Boniface said that the fir tree is a symbol of God, it has a triangular shape, and he tied it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.