тгреадс купыт кныджу джосподство кланов еглектроннажа форма 87 мемберс талыс 217 тропгыес

тгреадс купыт кныджу джосподство кланов еглектроннажа форма 87 мемберс талыс 217 тропгыес


Сеюсь-сеяю, подсеваю,
С Новым годом поздравляю,
Со скотом, с животом,
С пшеничкой, с овсецом! Колядников приглашали в дом, сажали за нарядный стол и угощали. Зерна, разбросанные колядниками, подбирали все к одному, хранили их, а весной бросали в землю первыми, надеясь, что они обеспечат хороший урожай. В руках у колядников обязательно было солнце. Делали его из старых ободов, украшали разноцветными лентами.

How beautifully our carols combine the remnants of this still pagan time and the majestic light of Christ's faith on our purely folk, national soil! Carols are, of course, a purely folk work, both in terms of content and singing, but along with the development of folk life, various influences were exerted on the content of carols, and most of all, of course, from the side of spiritual science. During the development of our Ukrainian fraternities and fraternal schools, the bursakas of these schools and their teachers, who at that time made a living by singing cantos and carols on holidays, contributed a lot of school science to carols...

there were children who did not speak for a long time, so they were given a drink of water from a ritual bell. If there was a girl in the house, she gave each caroler apples and nuts:
Farewell to us, Greek youth,
Buckwheat young man, Mr. Vasyl!
Goy, healthy, healthy, and not alone,
And not by himself, but also with a son, from mothers,
Yes, and with the father, from the mothers, and from all the children.
We wish you good health,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
And with this Christmas, this New Year,
This New Year, good luck,
Good income and long life.
Give you, God, happiness and health,
Happiness, health and good growth,
Father, have fun with you,
To receive your dowry,
Your dowry and happy,
Oh, be healthy!