тгреадс гелп

тгреадс гелп


"В то время, когда не было ни земли, ни неба, только одно синее море - среди этого моря стояло два дуба, а на дубах сидели два голуба; голуби спустились на дно моря, достали песка и камня, из которых и создались земля, небо и небесные светила". Мифологический сюжет, отраженный в этой старинной колядке, существовал еще в эпоху скифов: на бронзовом рельефе из скифского кургана есть и дерево с птицами, и солнце, и луна. Подобные сюжеты можно найти и на украинских вышитых полотенцах вплоть до начала XX века.

"Carols" were baked on Vasiliev's Eve, addressed to the owners of the house, as well as separately to the housewife and her daughter, or the father of the family and his son, etc. The most ancient, pagan carol songs are connected with the theme of the magical growth of nature and living things, the later ones also absorbed religious themes:
Christmas, Christmas!
And there is Christmas
Christmas Eve,
Christmas has come
Christmas brought!

This led to the appearance of these groups of carolers who dressed up and performed symbolic actions - as if the arrival of these deceased ancestors into our world. The groups of carolers who came to the Lord symbolized those representatives of the afterlife - the souls of the dead who are returning to Earth at this time. And that's why they were expected in every lord, they believed that where the foot of the caroler steps, there the foot of the dead will not step.