тгреадс джкр 1 969 ындекс гтмл
"Колядки" пеклись в Васильев вечер, адресуя хозяевам дома, а также отдельно хозяйке и ее дочери, или отцу семейства и сыну и т.д. Наиболее древние, языческие песни колядок связаны с темой магического роста природы и живности, поздние вобрали в себя и религиозные сюжеты:
That is why we have those carolers, carols, kutyu and uzvar and much more. In ancient times, it was believed that the New Sun was born. And this is evidenced by such a carol, which has preserved pre-Christian symbols: "On the Light Tree, two little birds advise us how to establish this world, they dive to the bottom, pull out a stone from there and thus establish the World." And that is why many scholars support this point of view, that they sang hymns that glorify the birth of the New Sun, the birth of the New Year.
A week after Kolyada (Christmas) on December 31 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church) or January 13 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church), the Generous Evening was celebrated, timed to meet the New Year.