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The group of winter calendar songs consists of carols and Christmas songs. These are majestic songs of Ukrainian farmers, related to the Proto-Slavic cult of the Sun. The ancestors of Ukrainians celebrated three phases of the sun - spring equinox, summer and winter solstice. The New Year began for the ancient Slavs from the vernal equinox (as, after all, in other European nations). Only later, the celebration of the beginning of the new year was moved to the time of the winter solstice (somewhere from the 14th century). There is a hypothesis that the very name of the holiday - "carol" - and the songs - "carols" comes from the name of the New Year in Ancient Rome (Calendae lanuarie), which indicates close contacts of Ukrainian-Slavic culture with Greco-Roman in pre-Christian times. In Ukrainian folklore, a peculiar "memory" of the spring New Year's ritual is the spring theme of many carols and Christmas carols. For example, F. Koless believes that the authentic name of the winter majestic songs in Ukrainian territory was actually "carols". Already in the 19th century, significant differences between carols and Christmas carols in terms of subject matter actually disappeared (V. Hnatiuk).
In the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter I after his return from Europe, who ordered Christmas trees to be placed near the courtyards of the rich and decorated. And for ordinary people, at least decorate the gates with Christmas tree branches. Over time, the Christmas tree moved to homes, thanks to Dutch confectioners who began selling already decorated Christmas trees in their pastry shops
After that, such dramas unfolded. My father took kutyu - a symbol of honoring ancestors. And with the kutyu, he could first go to the cattle, the prognostic function - to have healthy cattle, for the future harvest. Then he would go out into the yard, in some regions he would put kutyu into his mouth, and in some - with a spoon of kutyu he would go out into the yard and call Frost. But not "grandfather Frost", that Soviet one, but Frost - as an element that has a completely negative connotation: "Frost, Frost, come to my place to eat, and if you don't go now, then don't go ever: no for rye, no for wheat, not for rich arable land." That is, a kind of countermeasure so that this Frost does not freeze anything. And the children at that time, as if they were afraid of that Frost, hid somewhere under the table, and in general, when they hid under the table, they had to "becat" and "mecat" - to imitate the cattle that should be herded next year.