серджеи бурунов ксеныиа собкгак анна асты 1588 випуск от 28012022 ксл ксф0дж4вO8зCOZавQмн4т вы гтмл

серджеи бурунов ксеныиа собкгак анна асты 1588 випуск от 28012022 ксл ксф0дж4вO8зCOZавQмн4т вы гтмл


With the advent of Christianity, the birth of Jesus Christ began to be celebrated on December 25 (old style) or January 7 (new style). The ancient pagan rite was timed to one of the greatest Christian holidays - Christmas. New religious carols with biblical and Christian images appeared. They have gained the same popularity as the old carols.
Christmas caroling groups honored all family members during the rounds of the yards. They performed majestic songs for the master, mistress, their children, boyfriend, girlfriend. We wished them happiness and health. If in the family

Рождественские колядники в ходе обходов дворов чествовали всех членов семьи. Они исполняли величественные песни хозяину, хозяйке, их детям, парню, девушке. Желали им счастья, здоровья. Если в семье
были дети, которые долго не разговаривали, так давали напиться воды из ритуального колокольчика. Если в доме была девушка, то она одаривала каждого колядника яблоками и орехами:

With the advent of Christianity, the birth of Jesus Christ began to be celebrated on December 25 (old style) or January 7 (new style). The ancient pagan rite was timed to one of the greatest Christian holidays - Christmas. New religious carols with biblical and Christian images appeared. They have gained the same popularity as the old carols.
Christmas caroling groups honored all family members during the rounds of the yards. They performed majestic songs for the master, mistress, their children, boyfriend, girlfriend. We wished them happiness and health. If in the family