подпыска на ызджож 7 езгенеделнаиа рассилка гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

подпыска на ызджож 7 езгенеделнаиа рассилка гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


As soon as Zorya rose in the sky, carolers went from house to house to inform people about the birth of the new Sun, and the image of this sun was carried with them ("Christmas star"). This tradition has survived to this day. They went into the yard, woke up the owner and sang majestic songs about the sun, moon, and stars to his family. These songs came to be called carols or carols.

Одно из поверий приводит нас к культу предков, что рельефно выступает в рождественской обрядности. В "святой вечер" (накануне Рождества) вечерний ужин, состоящий в Лубенском у., главным образом, из угла и компота (отвар сушеных плодов), имеет семейный и, в частности, поминальный характер: кутью оставляют на ночь для умерших родственников; по народному верованию, на стене бывают видны неясные отражения маленьких, как куклы, спускающихся к столу людей.

Currently, winter in Ukraine is primarily associated with carols, which are sung on the holiday of Christmas (January 6-8 according to the new style). But carols were once pagan songs, against which the Orthodox Church initially waged an unsuccessful struggle and banned them. However, Kolyada rites proved to be very stable in Ukraine, marked in many ways by the features of pagan beliefs, reminiscent of both honoring the newborn sun and the cult of ancestors.