подпыска на джкн7 гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

подпыска на джкн7 гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


In the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter I after his return from Europe, who ordered Christmas trees to be placed near the courtyards of the rich and decorated. And for ordinary people, at least decorate the gates with Christmas tree branches. Over time, the Christmas tree moved to homes, thanks to Dutch confectioners who began selling already decorated Christmas trees in their pastry shops

В древности люди не могли понять, как человек берет железо, которое твердо, крепко и с помощью огня превращает его в другие предметы. Это был очень сакральный образ. Поэтому у нас есть фамилии, связанные с лексемой "кузнец" самые распространенные во всем мире. В украинском языке – Коваль, Коваленко, Ковальчук и так далее. В России – Кузнецов, в Польше – Ковальские, в Германии – Шмидт, в Англии – Смит. Это все связано с кузнечным делом, потому что это самая сакральная профессия на земле. Вспомните, к примеру, сказки. Где кузнец идет к Змею, чтобы перековать голос, потому что именно кузнец может перековать.

According to another legend, the Christmas tree was introduced into use by Martin Luther, who was walking through the forest at Christmas and saw a star shining above the Christmas tree, which seemed to him to be absolutely identical to the Star of Bethlehem, and he put that Christmas tree in his home and decorated it with a star. This is how the Christmas tree allegedly came to Western Europe. And later, in the 19th century, it was borrowed by France, later taken over by England, it even stood in the Windsor Palace, and later German immigrants who moved to America also brought a Christmas tree. Initially, when the Christmas tree appeared, it was decorated with fruits, apples, for example, which symbolize the same Original Sin of Adam and Eve.