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They sing these songs, moving in a carol band from house to house and standing under the window or near the door. After singing and congratulations after it (as a rule, in verse form - the so-called "pokolyad") carolers receive some kind of reward (also a remnant of ancient magical ritual actions). Songs about Malanka and the New Year's show-game "Goat" are separate categories of donations. In some places in Western Ukraine, the so-called rindzivki, performed at the time of the spring equinox, have also survived.

The Christmas tree was not acceptable for Ukraine for quite a long time. Since totemic times, it has been believed that certain animals or plants, trees have a genetic connection with the genus. That is why they worshiped animals and trees. And the Christmas tree and the pine tree, as evergreen trees, symbolized immortality, and that is why it is customary in our country to plant a pine tree on the grave, because it seems to have a connection with the afterlife on the one hand, and on the other - resurrection - a symbol of immortality, a symbol of eternal life. "Podnyak", as a rule, was a fruit tree. And the Scandinavian peoples had oak.

Через неделю после Коляды 31 декабря (13 января) отмечали Щедрый вечер (день христианской святой преподобной Мелании). Этот день называли Меланки. По традиции празднование сопровождалось обходом домов с пожеланием людям счастья, здоровья и благополучия в Новом Году. Щедровали тоже театрализованными группами: "Меланка" и "Василий" и "Ряженые". Если сравнить колядки и щедривки ("Щедрик, щедрик, щедривочка, прилетела ласточочка"), то в щедривках вспоминают ласточок, весну, сеяние ржи. Это свидетельствует о том, что древние славяне отмечали начало Нового Года весной.