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Когда спускалась Заря, начиналось празднование. В это время, во-первых, заносили в дом Дидуха. Под стол, под скатерть, под блюдо – кутью – клали солому, эту соломенную бабу, которая в нынешней трактовке уже символизирует ясли, в которых родился Христос. А первоначально, вероятно, это был символ зерна, богатого урожая. На углы стола ставили зубчики чеснока – обереги от нечистой силы. Начиналось все именно с Дидуха. Никто не садился за стол, пока отец не вносил в дом этого Дидуха.
Why carolers dress up as animals, foreigners and otherworldly creatures According to the idea of ancient people, the other world is, as it were, this world turned upside down. And accordingly, the representatives of that world are the same as us, but a little different. And accordingly, the carolers changed their clothes according to categories - "alien", otherworldly. It could not be a person, but an animal, that's how those animal images appeared in groups of carolers. It could be "strangers" by category - foreigner, that's how we have, for example, "German". These may not be people, but in general – demonic beings, so the carolers wrapped their hands with straw, stood on stilts or, conversely, squatted down, spoke in very deep, low voices, or, on the contrary, very squeaky.
They sing these songs, moving in a carol band from house to house and standing under the window or near the door. After singing and congratulations after it (as a rule, in verse form - the so-called "pokolyad") carolers receive some kind of reward (also a remnant of ancient magical ritual actions). Songs about Malanka and the New Year's show-game "Goat" are separate categories of donations. In some places in Western Ukraine, the so-called rindzivki, performed at the time of the spring equinox, have also survived.