мениа удокгерыла мыллыонерсга потому кгто иа погожа на нее ксл ксф0джтуо22тJуMR0мн4т вы гтмл
As a rudiment of ancient magical rituals, carols and bounties called on the gods (pagan "Oy Dazhdbozhe!", transformed into "Oh God!") to give the master (or mistress, servant, girl) good health and economic prosperity (which in ancient times was the obverse and reverse of the same medal), associated with a good harvest, favorable conditions for cultivating the land, profits for the lord (especially livestock). By means of artistic similes, epithets, metaphors, the owner, members of his family are glorified and praised, to whom they wish good fortune, health, love, good marriages, etc.
Традиция празднования Рождества сохранилась несмотря на все советские запреты и гонения, мы переходим к мировому обычаю праздновать Рождество. Мы сохраняем эту традицию, и она будет дальше жить. Станьте частью Общественное Культура: напишите нам интересные события культурной жизни вашего города или поселка. Отправляйте свои фото, видео и новости и мы опубликуем их на диджитал-платформах Общественного. Пишите нам по почте: culture@suspilne.media. Ваши истории важны для нас!
The Christmas tree was not acceptable for Ukraine for quite a long time. Since totemic times, it has been believed that certain animals or plants, trees have a genetic connection with the genus. That is why they worshiped animals and trees. And the Christmas tree and the pine tree, as evergreen trees, symbolized immortality, and that is why it is customary in our country to plant a pine tree on the grave, because it seems to have a connection with the afterlife on the one hand, and on the other - resurrection - a symbol of immortality, a symbol of eternal life. "Podnyak", as a rule, was a fruit tree. And the Scandinavian peoples had oak.