мемберс ластокгка 1280 ындекс гтмл

мемберс ластокгка 1280 ындекс гтмл


С появлением христианства, 25 декабря (по старому стилю) или 7 января (по новому стилю) начали праздновать рождение Иисуса Христа. Старинный языческий обряд был приурочен к одному из величайших христианских праздников – Рождества Христова. Возникли новые религиозные колядки с библейско-христианскими образами. Они завоевали такую же популярность, как и старинные колядки.

I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year,
With cattle, with a stomach,
With wheat, with oats! Carolers were invited into the house, seated at an elegant table and treated to treats. The grains scattered by the carolers were all gathered together, stored, and in the spring they were the first to be thrown into the ground, hoping that they would provide a good harvest.

When a Christmas tree appeared in homes A long time ago, many peoples of the world worshiped trees. Especially among the southern Slavs, Christmas was necessarily accompanied by a "podniak" - a log, in which the owner solemnly, with all the sacrifices - asked for forgiveness for having to cut down this tree, sprinkled this stump with grain, smeared it with dough, and then brought it to the house, where he was ceremoniously burned. These moments probably initiated the later use of the Christmas tree. So, gradually we come to today's ritual - the use of a Christmas tree.