мемберс дем мыксажлов 54 медалс гтмл

мемберс дем мыксажлов 54 медалс гтмл


Currently, winter in Ukraine is primarily associated with carols, which are sung on the holiday of Christmas (January 6-8 according to the new style). But carols were once pagan songs, against which the Orthodox Church initially waged an unsuccessful struggle and banned them. However, Kolyada rites proved to be very stable in Ukraine, marked in many ways by the features of pagan beliefs, reminiscent of both honoring the newborn sun and the cult of ancestors.

From the beginning, these groups were all male, given that this ritual involves contact with death. Accordingly, women did not participate in it. We can already see how children and women carol. In fact, only men could do it. But, considering that this holiday is combined with the sun, the groups could not walk around the village chaotically. They followed the sun, and if it was a mountainous area, for example, the Carpathians, then they walked from below in a circle, climbing and going around each house. If the carolers did not enter a house, it means that a dead person's foot could be there, and this was a bad sign and they were very offended.

Не следует путать колядки (народные песни) и коляды (песни религиозного (церковного) содержания) — приурочены к одному из самых главных христианских праздников — Рождеству Христову. Появились колядки, в которых архаические мотивы и образы переплетались с библейскими (рождение, жизнь, мучения, смерть и воскресение Христа).