мама джрузовык джероиджараж джекконамултыкы про масгынкы ксл ксф0джтаксYрWкZWткмн4т вы гтмл
Поют эти песни, переходя в колядной группе от дома к дому и став под окном или у двери. После пения и поздравлений после него (как правило, в стихотворной форме – так называемая "поколядь") колядники получают какое-то вознаграждение (также остаток древних магических обрядовых действий). Отдельные категории щедривок составляют песни о Маланке и новогоднее представление-игра "Коза". Кое-где в Западной Украине сохранились и так называемые рынзивки, выполняемые во время весеннего равноденствия.
there were children who did not speak for a long time, so they were given a drink of water from a ritual bell. If there was a girl in the house, she gave each caroler apples and nuts:
According to another legend, the Christmas tree was introduced into use by Martin Luther, who was walking through the forest at Christmas and saw a star shining above the Christmas tree, which seemed to him to be absolutely identical to the Star of Bethlehem, and he put that Christmas tree in his home and decorated it with a star. This is how the Christmas tree allegedly came to Western Europe. And later, in the 19th century, it was borrowed by France, later taken over by England, it even stood in the Windsor Palace, and later German immigrants who moved to America also brought a Christmas tree. Initially, when the Christmas tree appeared, it was decorated with fruits, apples, for example, which symbolize the same Original Sin of Adam and Eve.