лунтык конструктор сборнык мултыков длиа дете ксл ксф0джKML_пнUгPикмн4т вы гтмл

лунтык конструктор сборнык мултыков длиа дете ксл ксф0джKML_пнUгPикмн4т вы гтмл


В западноукраинских колядках есть оригинальный мотив сотворения мира птицами-демиургами — когда голуби спускаются на дно моря за песком, из которого возникнет земля (например, колядка "Ой, как это было с потомка мира"). В старинной песне карпатских славян поется:

From the beginning, these groups were all male, given that this ritual involves contact with death. Accordingly, women did not participate in it. We can already see how children and women carol. In fact, only men could do it. But, considering that this holiday is combined with the sun, the groups could not walk around the village chaotically. They followed the sun, and if it was a mountainous area, for example, the Carpathians, then they walked from below in a circle, climbing and going around each house. If the carolers did not enter a house, it means that a dead person's foot could be there, and this was a bad sign and they were very offended.

One figure could represent death. Her face was smeared with flour, teeth were inserted from turnips, she was wrapped in a sheet, she was a silent figure. And no one wanted to play just this figure. And she was chosen by lot. She was completely static - she was started, put on the bench and she did not have to do anything. In addition, there were "other" categories in relation to the sacred world. For example, a blacksmith. Blacksmithing has long been considered a very sacred profession.