лукгезарнии фылм 2022 королева роддома русскые мелодрами 2022 новынкы гд ксл ксф0джжжвгзKтсGC8мн4т вы гтмл

лукгезарнии фылм 2022 королева роддома русскые мелодрами 2022 новынкы гд ксл ксф0джжжвгзKтсGC8мн4т вы гтмл


After they sat down at the table, the father would throw a corner to the ceiling, watching how many grains of wheat would stick to that ceiling. That is, the more wheat sticks, the more abundance there will be. Then, everyone had to eat three spoons of kuti - for the apiary, for the chickens to be born, for the grain to be abundant.

The light that the Sun of Kolyada gives to people every year is the nourishing, all-conquering power of the Creator, which calls from the most ancient times to this hour for the Holy Supper, where the doors are open for everyone, where the tables are set for everyone." (V. Voytovych, Sokil- Reed, 1997) To glorify God the Creator, the people created a huge number of solemn hymns-songs about the creation of the world, honoring the Sun, the Moon, the Goddess Dana and their human descendants - carols and hymns. Let's note that carols are almost never baked, and Christmas cakes are never baked during the day - they celebrate the Feast of Christmas Eve, the Moon and the Stars. This is a holiday of faith in the Light, so that people live better, so that the earth gives birth better than last year, so that the future children and grandchildren of the Family live more cheerfully.

Christmas carols always begin with cosmogonic carols about the creation of the World, and then praise all family members with personal wishes for each. It has recently been established that songs have their own energy. Interestingly, the oldest Ukrainian songs have great energy. And the most interesting thing is that the greatest energy is precisely in carols and Christmas gifts. It is recorded in Roman chronicles that this is such an ancient rite of the Etruscans that only the most gifted Magi comprehend its original essence. And this means that the age of these songs is at least 5000-7000 years. It is interesting that the bounties were preserved only in Ukraine. The ancient customs and rites of our people are beginning to return from oblivion and silence. Most people still know them very poorly. But there is no present without the past.