ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 спысок кныдж гтмл
After that, such dramas unfolded. My father took kutyu - a symbol of honoring ancestors. And with the kutyu, he could first go to the cattle, the prognostic function - to have healthy cattle, for the future harvest. Then he would go out into the yard, in some regions he would put kutyu into his mouth, and in some - with a spoon of kutyu he would go out into the yard and call Frost. But not "grandfather Frost", that Soviet one, but Frost - as an element that has a completely negative connotation: "Frost, Frost, come to my place to eat, and if you don't go now, then don't go ever: no for rye, no for wheat, not for rich arable land." That is, a kind of countermeasure so that this Frost does not freeze anything. And the children at that time, as if they were afraid of that Frost, hid somewhere under the table, and in general, when they hid under the table, they had to "becat" and "mecat" - to imitate the cattle that should be herded next year.
After they sat down at the table, the father would throw a corner to the ceiling, watching how many grains of wheat would stick to that ceiling. That is, the more wheat sticks, the more abundance there will be. Then, everyone had to eat three spoons of kuti - for the apiary, for the chickens to be born, for the grain to be abundant.
Наши далекие предки пытались защитить новорожденного. Они выполняли разные магические действия, ставшие основой народного праздника Коляды. До сих пор колядники ходят с солнцесветной "с" видзой", что символизирует небесное светило. Как только на небе восходила заря, колядники заходили во двор, будили хозяина и пели его семье величественных песен о солнце, луне, звезде. Эти величественные песни в честь рождения нового Солнца стали называть колядами или колядками.