ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс подпыска на джкн5 продолзгеные казгдужу неделжу на васгу покгту 298 ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл 5 гтмл

ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс подпыска на джкн5 продолзгеные казгдужу неделжу на васгу покгту 298 ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл 5 гтмл


С самого начала колядники символизировали умерших, которые ходили за солнцем, а кутья была символом почитания предков. Об этом в эфире Радио Культура рассказала заведующая кафедрой фольклористики института филологии Киевского национального университета им.Т.Шевченко, доцент Олеся Наумовская. Также она рассказала, почему колядники, по традиции, переодеваются, и когда в домах появились новогодние елки.

The carolers must have had the sun in their hands. They made it from old rims and decorated it with colorful ribbons. In Ukraine and Belarus, there were also such customs: shderivka - a kind of carols. They were also song requests for a fruitful, bountiful year.
You people, rejoice!
Everyone triumph today!
Today is Christmas!

Mythology never disappears. As long as the universe exists, as long as we believe in miracles, we will develop this mythological idea. It is completely transformed, completely changed. But some elements are preserved. And they are produced, appear in a new guise. Nothing disappears, it is simply modified. From ancient totemic beliefs, we moved to Christian beliefs, later came the Soviet myth, which changed to a modern vision. In fact, we want to believe in a miracle, to believe in a fairy tale, we want to see those gifts, for the fact that we were polite boys and girls, then St. Nicholas will bring us small gifts, or cutlets, if we were rude.