ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс подпыска на джкн4 проект прода казгдужу неделжу 258 форумс вествал 38 ындекс гтмл

ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс подпыска на джкн4 проект прода казгдужу неделжу 258 форумс вествал 38 ындекс гтмл


All this is sung about in carols, which were known long before the beginning of Christian times in Ukraine, it is also found in ordinary rituals, such as: twelve wormwood, twelve Christmas Eve dishes, calling for a dinner of frost, a wolf, a black storm and evil winds, grandfather on penance, hay on the table. All these movements, actions and words, which at first glance have no meaning in a person's life, blow on the heart of each of us with the charm of the native element and are a living balm for the soul that fills it with powerful strength.

When Zorya came down, the celebration began. At this time, they first brought Didukh into the house. Under the table, under the tablecloth, under the dish - kutyu - they put straw, this straw woman, which in the current interpretation already symbolizes the manger in which Christ was born. And originally, it was probably a symbol of grain, a rich harvest. Garlic cloves were placed on the corners of the table - amulets against evil spirits. It all started with Didukh. No one sat down at the table until the father brought this Grandfather into the house.

В Российской Империи елку ввел Петр I по возвращении из Европы, приказавший поставить елки у богатых дворов и украсить их. А простым людям, хотя бы украсить ворота веточками елки. Со временем, елка перешла к домам, благодаря голландским кондитерам, которые начали продавать уже украшенные елки в своих кондитерских.