ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс купыт кныджу джосподство кланов еглектроннажа форма 87 ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл тгреадс купыт кныджу джосподство кланов еглектроннажа форма 87 ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


"At a time when there was neither land nor sky, only one blue sea - in the middle of this sea there were two oaks, and two doves sat on the oaks; the doves went down to the bottom of the sea, got sand and stone, from which the earth was created, the sky and heavenly bodies". The mythological plot reflected in this ancient carol existed even in the days of the Scythians: on the bronze relief from the Scythian mound there is a tree with birds, and the sun and the moon. Similar subjects can be found on Ukrainian embroidered towels up to the beginning of the 20th century. Investigate

В Украине и в Белоруссии тоже были такие обычаи: щедривки - разновидность колядок. Они также представляли собой песенные просьбы об урожайном, щедром году.
Вы, люди, радуйтесь!
Все сегодня торжествуйте!
Дня Христова Рождество!

"Carols" were baked on Vasiliev's Eve, addressed to the owners of the house, as well as separately to the housewife and her daughter, or the father of the family and his son, etc. The most ancient, pagan carol songs are connected with the theme of the magical growth of nature and living things, the later ones also absorbed religious themes:
Christmas, Christmas!
And there is Christmas
Christmas Eve,
Christmas has come
Christmas brought!