ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл форумс вествал 38 спысок кныдж гтмл

ызджож 5 пилаиусггыж лед гтмл форумс вествал 38 спысок кныдж гтмл


The Christmas tree was not acceptable for Ukraine for quite a long time. Since totemic times, it has been believed that certain animals or plants, trees have a genetic connection with the genus. That is why they worshiped animals and trees. And the Christmas tree and the pine tree, as evergreen trees, symbolized immortality, and that is why it is customary in our country to plant a pine tree on the grave, because it seems to have a connection with the afterlife on the one hand, and on the other - resurrection - a symbol of immortality, a symbol of eternal life. "Podnyak", as a rule, was a fruit tree. And the Scandinavian peoples had oak.

That is why we have those carolers, carols, kutyu and uzvar and much more. In ancient times, it was believed that the New Sun was born. And this is evidenced by such a carol, which has preserved pre-Christian symbols: "On the Light Tree, two little birds advise us how to establish this world, they dive to the bottom, pull out a stone from there and thus establish the World." And that is why many scholars support this point of view, that they sang hymns that glorify the birth of the New Sun, the birth of the New Year.

В Российской Империи елку ввел Петр I по возвращении из Европы, приказавший поставить елки у богатых дворов и украсить их. А простым людям, хотя бы украсить ворота веточками елки. Со временем, елка перешла к домам, благодаря голландским кондитерам, которые начали продавать уже украшенные елки в своих кондитерских.