ызджож 4 ледианое проклиате гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

ызджож 4 ледианое проклиате гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year,
With cattle, with a stomach,
With wheat, with oats! Carolers were invited into the house, seated at an elegant table and treated to treats. The grains scattered by the carolers were all gathered together, stored, and in the spring they were the first to be thrown into the ground, hoping that they would provide a good harvest.

In the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter I after his return from Europe, who ordered Christmas trees to be placed near the courtyards of the rich and decorated. And for ordinary people, at least decorate the gates with Christmas tree branches. Over time, the Christmas tree moved to homes, thanks to Dutch confectioners who began selling already decorated Christmas trees in their pastry shops

Рождественские колядники в ходе обходов дворов чествовали всех членов семьи. Они исполняли величественные песни хозяину, хозяйке, их детям, парню, девушке. Желали им счастья, здоровья. Если в семье
были дети, которые долго не разговаривали, так давали напиться воды из ритуального колокольчика. Если в доме была девушка, то она одаривала каждого колядника яблоками и орехами: