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Елка не была приемлема для Украины в течение довольно долгого времени. Еще с тотемных времен верили, что некоторые животные или растения, деревья имеют генетическую связь с родом. Потому и поклонялись животным и деревьям. А елка и сосна, как вечнозеленые деревья, символизировали бессмертие, и поэтому у нас принято сажать сосну на могилу, потому что она как будто имеет связь с потусторонним миром с одной стороны, а с другой – воскресение – символом бессмертия, символом вечной жизни. "Подняк", как правило, это было плодовое дерево. А у скандинавских народов был дуб.
One figure could represent death. Her face was smeared with flour, teeth were inserted from turnips, she was wrapped in a sheet, she was a silent figure. And no one wanted to play just this figure. And she was chosen by lot. She was completely static - she was started, put on the bench and she did not have to do anything. In addition, there were "other" categories in relation to the sacred world. For example, a blacksmith. Blacksmithing has long been considered a very sacred profession.
When a Christmas tree appeared in homes A long time ago, many peoples of the world worshiped trees. Especially among the southern Slavs, Christmas was necessarily accompanied by a "podniak" - a log, in which the owner solemnly, with all the sacrifices - asked for forgiveness for having to cut down this tree, sprinkled this stump with grain, smeared it with dough, and then brought it to the house, where he was ceremoniously burned. These moments probably initiated the later use of the Christmas tree. So, gradually we come to today's ritual - the use of a Christmas tree.