джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс тгреадс распродазга джкн3 еглектроннажа форма 229 маджазын гтмл
Впоследствии с введением на Руси христианской религии как государственной (так называемое "крещение Руси") обряд колядования был приспособлен к празднованию Рождества Христова. Священники и монахи создали новые религиозные колядки с библейскими образами, которые также приобрели большую популярность в народе. За обработку и восстановление колядок брались выдающиеся композиторы: Николай Лысенко, Станислав Людкевич и т.д. В колядках, по традиции, чествовали всех членов семьи: хозяина, хозяйку, парня, девушку. Колядование сочеталось с соответствующим театрализованным представлением, танцами, музыкой. Колядовали группами, предварительно распределив обязанности: атаман "береза", "звездочет", "михоноша" и "ряженые".
One figure could represent death. Her face was smeared with flour, teeth were inserted from turnips, she was wrapped in a sheet, she was a silent figure. And no one wanted to play just this figure. And she was chosen by lot. She was completely static - she was started, put on the bench and she did not have to do anything. In addition, there were "other" categories in relation to the sacred world. For example, a blacksmith. Blacksmithing has long been considered a very sacred profession.
This led to the appearance of these groups of carolers who dressed up and performed symbolic actions - as if the arrival of these deceased ancestors into our world. The groups of carolers who came to the Lord symbolized those representatives of the afterlife - the souls of the dead who are returning to Earth at this time. And that's why they were expected in every lord, they believed that where the foot of the caroler steps, there the foot of the dead will not step.