джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс тгреадс распродазга джкн2 еглектроннажа ыллжустрырованнажа 224 ындекс гтмл
According to another legend, the Christmas tree was introduced into use by Martin Luther, who was walking through the forest at Christmas and saw a star shining above the Christmas tree, which seemed to him to be absolutely identical to the Star of Bethlehem, and he put that Christmas tree in his home and decorated it with a star. This is how the Christmas tree allegedly came to Western Europe. And later, in the 19th century, it was borrowed by France, later taken over by England, it even stood in the Windsor Palace, and later German immigrants who moved to America also brought a Christmas tree. Initially, when the Christmas tree appeared, it was decorated with fruits, apples, for example, which symbolize the same Original Sin of Adam and Eve.
После этого разыгрывались драмы. Отец брал кутью – символ почитания предков, предков. И с кутью он мог пойти сначала к скоту, прогностическая функция – чтобы был здоровый скот, на будущий урожай. Затем выходил во двор, в некоторых регионах он набирал кутью в рот, а в некоторых – с ложкой углу выходил во двор и звал Мороза. Но, не “дедушку Мороза”, этого советского, а Мороза – как стихию, которая имеет абсолютно отрицательную коннотацию: “Мороз, Мороз иди ко мне кутью есть, а, если не идешь сейчас, то не иди никогда: ни на рожь, ни ни на пшеницу, ни на богатую пашницу”. То есть такое противодействие, чтобы этот Мороз не заморозил ничего. А дети в это время, будто пугались Мороза, прятались где-то под столом, и вообще, когда они прятались под столом, они должны были "бекать" и "мекать" - имитировать тот скот, который должен водиться в следующем году.
And after that, the Christmas meal began. At the same time, it was necessarily taken into account that the souls of deceased ancestors can come to the house on this day. So many utensils were placed on the table, but it was not possible to use sharp objects, taking into account those people who died this year, or, for example, as the war is now, taking into account those who are currently on the road, somewhere far away. Later, this tradition began to change. Each new religion tries to either destroy the previous one, or level it, or conquer it. We are seeing a transformation. Instead of the Sun, we have the Star of Bethlehem. Accordingly, carolers already go with Zora, not with Sonechka. Instead of pre-Christian carols, we have Christian carols. The Saints appear, the same kutya and twelve dishes appear, symbolizing initially the number of months, and later the number of Saints.