джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс тгреадс подпыска на джкн4 проект прода казгдужу неделжу 258 джалереиа гтмл

джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс тгреадс подпыска на джкн4 проект прода казгдужу неделжу 258 джалереиа гтмл


После того как садились за стол, отец подбрасывал кутью к потолку, наблюдая сколько зерен пшеницы прилипнет к потолку. То есть, чем больше пшеницы прилепится, тем больше будет изобилие. Потом каждый должен съесть три ложки кутьи – за пасеку, за то, чтобы куры родились, за то, чтобы зерно было богатым.

From the beginning, these groups were all male, given that this ritual involves contact with death. Accordingly, women did not participate in it. We can already see how children and women carol. In fact, only men could do it. But, considering that this holiday is combined with the sun, the groups could not walk around the village chaotically. They followed the sun, and if it was a mountainous area, for example, the Carpathians, then they walked from below in a circle, climbing and going around each house. If the carolers did not enter a house, it means that a dead person's foot could be there, and this was a bad sign and they were very offended.

"Shedryvky" are ritual songs performed on a generous evening, the evening on the eve of the new year. They usually began with the words of greeting: "Generous evening, good evening." In the distant past, this type of song differed from other holiday songs, today it differs in that it is sung in Ukraine and in Ukrainian-speaking villages of the region. At the time when we now celebrate Christmas, once upon a time, even before Christianity, in Ukraine there was a holiday of the winter solstice. It was the time of divination for the coming year; and that is why we still have a whole series of pre-Christian elements in Christmas customs, whose purpose was to call for a good harvest in the following year, wealth and prosperity in the house of the master, lucky catches for the hunter, a wedding for a girl and a happy journey for a young man - a prince's wife or the prince himself. All the natural forces of nature are appeased and called upon not to harm people and livestock.