джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс форумс вествал 38 тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 контактс гтмл

джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс форумс вествал 38 тгреадс спысок кыкла джкн ы кени на еглверсыы 359 контактс гтмл


The Christmas tree was not acceptable for Ukraine for quite a long time. Since totemic times, it has been believed that certain animals or plants, trees have a genetic connection with the genus. That is why they worshiped animals and trees. And the Christmas tree and the pine tree, as evergreen trees, symbolized immortality, and that is why it is customary in our country to plant a pine tree on the grave, because it seems to have a connection with the afterlife on the one hand, and on the other - resurrection - a symbol of immortality, a symbol of eternal life. "Podnyak", as a rule, was a fruit tree. And the Scandinavian peoples had oak.

Обо всем этом поется в колядках, известных далеко еще до начала христианских времен на Украине это проявляется и в обычных обрядах, как вот: двенадцать поленьев, двенадцать святочерних блюд, призывы на ужин мороза, волка, черной бури и злых ветров, дедушек на углу, сено на столе. Все эти движения, действия и слова, на первый взгляд не имеющие никакого значения в жизни человека, веют на сердце каждого из нас волшебством родной стихии и являются для души живущим бальзамом, наполняющим его могучей силой.

A week after Kolyada (Christmas) on December 31 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church) or January 13 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church), the Generous Evening was celebrated, timed to meet the New Year.
The main event of the Generous Evening and the New Year in Ukraine was giving, which was accompanied by a mandatory round of houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. Christmas carols begin to be sung exactly at midnight before the New Year. They should not be mixed with carol singing. At a time when carols are always and necessarily sung by a choir, then shdervkas can be performed solo.