джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс форумс вествал 38 тгреадс купыт кныджу джосподство кланов еглектроннажа форма 87 ындекс гтмл
Themes, melodies, the form of carols and carols, and caroling customs show signs of deep antiquity. It is the walking of a group of carolers with a certain role distribution, and sometimes with instrumental accompaniment, that suggests a similarity with groups of merry buffoons of the princely era. The themes of carols and charity songs are agriculture and the family - its life and well-being (other themes occupy a relatively small place: military-hunting, fantasy-fairy tale, love, biblical motifs). All these songs of majestic content are sung specifically to the master, the mistress, the servant, the girl.
In Western Ukrainian carols, there is an original motif of the creation of the world by demiurge birds — when doves descend to the bottom of the sea for the sand from which the earth will emerge (for example, the carol "Oh, how it was from the offspring of the world"). An old song of the Carpathian Slavs sings:
Посыпание зерном, после выполнения щедровки, всегда производится с прибауткой: