джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс форумс вествал 38 джосподство клана 3 гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

джосподство клана 3 гтмл коммент падже 5комментс форумс вествал 38 джосподство клана 3 гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


Древние славяне встречали Новый год песнями, плясками, шутками ряженых, веселыми затеями. Этот цикл обрядов получил общее наименование – колядки. Колядовали на Руси с 25 декабря. Наряжались в кожи, надевали страшные маски, ходили по домам, пекли песни. Еще затемно, в раннее новогоднее утро звучал стук в окно или дверь. Хозяева уже догадывались, кто стучит, и гостеприимно открывали дверь. Гости заходили в дом, разбрасывая по дому хлебные зерна и припевая:

One figure could represent death. Her face was smeared with flour, teeth were inserted from turnips, she was wrapped in a sheet, she was a silent figure. And no one wanted to play just this figure. And she was chosen by lot. She was completely static - she was started, put on the bench and she did not have to do anything. In addition, there were "other" categories in relation to the sacred world. For example, a blacksmith. Blacksmithing has long been considered a very sacred profession.

They sing these songs, moving in a carol band from house to house and standing under the window or near the door. After singing and congratulations after it (as a rule, in verse form - the so-called "pokolyad") carolers receive some kind of reward (also a remnant of ancient magical ritual actions). Songs about Malanka and the New Year's show-game "Goat" are separate categories of donations. In some places in Western Ukraine, the so-called rindzivki, performed at the time of the spring equinox, have also survived.