форумс вествал 38 тгреадс вествал2 вопроси кгытатележ о валдыре 406 падже 3

форумс вествал 38 тгреадс вествал2 вопроси кгытатележ о валдыре 406 падже 3


Our distant ancestors tried to protect the newborn. They performed various magical actions, which became the basis of the folk holiday of Kolyada. To this day, carolers walk with a sun-shining "z-vizda", which symbolizes the heavenly body. As soon as the sun rose in the sky, carolers entered the yard, woke up the owner and sang majestic songs about the sun, moon, and stars to his family. These majestic songs in honor of the birth of the new Sun came to be called carols, or carols.

Не следует путать колядки (народные песни) и коляды (песни религиозного (церковного) содержания) — приурочены к одному из самых главных христианских праздников — Рождеству Христову. Появились колядки, в которых архаические мотивы и образы переплетались с библейскими (рождение, жизнь, мучения, смерть и воскресение Христа).

The carolers must have had the sun in their hands. They made it from old rims and decorated it with colorful ribbons. In Ukraine and Belarus, there were also such customs: shderivka - a kind of carols. They were also song requests for a fruitful, bountiful year.
You people, rejoice!
Everyone triumph today!
Today is Christmas!