форумс вествал 38 форумс ындекс рсс

форумс вествал 38 форумс ындекс рсс


Рождественские колядники в ходе обходов дворов чествовали всех членов семьи. Они исполняли величественные песни хозяину, хозяйке, их детям, парню, девушке. Желали им счастья, здоровья. Если в семье
были дети, которые долго не разговаривали, так давали напиться воды из ритуального колокольчика. Если в доме была девушка, то она одаривала каждого колядника яблоками и орехами:

After they sat down at the table, the father would throw a corner to the ceiling, watching how many grains of wheat would stick to that ceiling. That is, the more wheat sticks, the more abundance there will be. Then, everyone had to eat three spoons of kuti - for the apiary, for the chickens to be born, for the grain to be abundant.

"Carols" were baked on Vasiliev's Eve, addressed to the owners of the house, as well as separately to the housewife and her daughter, or the father of the family and his son, etc. The most ancient, pagan carol songs are connected with the theme of the magical growth of nature and living things, the later ones also absorbed religious themes:
Christmas, Christmas!
And there is Christmas
Christmas Eve,
Christmas has come
Christmas brought!