кыкл ызджож гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл

кыкл ызджож гтмл_комментс=1 гтмл


A week after Kolyada (Christmas) on December 31 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church) or January 13 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church), the Generous Evening was celebrated, timed to meet the New Year.
The main event of the Generous Evening and the New Year in Ukraine was giving, which was accompanied by a mandatory round of houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. Christmas carols begin to be sung exactly at midnight before the New Year. They should not be mixed with carol singing. At a time when carols are always and necessarily sung by a choir, then shdervkas can be performed solo.

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From the beginning, these groups were all male, given that this ritual involves contact with death. Accordingly, women did not participate in it. We can already see how children and women carol. In fact, only men could do it. But, considering that this holiday is combined with the sun, the groups could not walk around the village chaotically. They followed the sun, and if it was a mountainous area, for example, the Carpathians, then they walked from below in a circle, climbing and going around each house. If the carolers did not enter a house, it means that a dead person's foot could be there, and this was a bad sign and they were very offended.

С появлением христианства, 25 декабря (по старому стилю) или 7 января (по новому стилю) начали праздновать рождение Иисуса Христа. Старинный языческий обряд был приурочен к одному из величайших христианских праздников – Рождества Христова. Возникли новые религиозные колядки с библейско-христианскими образами. Они завоевали такую же популярность, как и старинные колядки.